Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is Editing a Lost Art?

Working as a writer for the past 20 years, I have had the privilege of working with some great editors. Whether they know it or not, these editors played an instrumental role in molding me into the writer I am today. While their comments and suggestions often resulted in some very long evenings at the office, the result was inevitably a better written piece. The insights they shared with me were invaluable to my growth as a marketing writer. Later in my corporate career (in the late 1990's), I also had the opportunity of coaching and editing less experienced writers and hopefully was able to make a difference for them as well.

As marketing becomes more content-centric, I began to wonder whether this model of editing is still relevant. In today's socially-networked online world, it seems like everybody has become a writer, blogger, tweeter, etc. Not only are people generating and publishing content themselves, they are doing it with unprecedented immediacy. What is the role of an editor in today's online world?

With keyword-laden SEO articles being cranked out for pennies, online content is becoming commoditized. The unfortunate result is that the overall level of writing has suffered. Quantity seems to be trumping quality, as you no longer have to be a professional writer to create and publish your own content.

Ironically, just when we need good editors the most, it seems like editing has become a lost art. Today it is harder to find a skilled editor than a competent writer. This does not bode well for those of us who appreciate thoughtful written expression and delight in the pleasure of a perfectly constructed sentence.

Do you have a personal story about editing? Has editing become a lost art? Share some of your experiences working with great editors.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crafting Your Message to Drive Sales

Many companies are born around a single, brilliant idea. In the world of high-tech, the spark for a start-up is typically a new technology. Inevitably, at the outset, the company's energies and resources are dedicated to developing this idea or technology into something that can be sold (i.e., a product).

While having a great product is a definitely a good start, it's not enough by itself to succeed in today’s highly competitive market. You need to be able to communicate the distinct advantages of your product or service to the right audience in order to generate sales.

This is exactly where a professional marketing copywriter fits in. While you wouldn't hire an accountant to perform QA on your product, why would you expect your technology experts to craft the marketing message? A copywriter can help you to communicate to your potential buyers that you have the product that solves their problem or otherwise helps them improve their bottom lines (in B2B scenarios). A strong and well-built messaging platform allows your target market to understand exactly how your product addresses their specific pain points.

Working as an integral part of the marketing team, the copywriter is responsible for your company’s messaging platform. After developing this "marketing DNA," the copywriter creates focused web content and marketing materials for the product built around this core messaging. These materials include, but are not limited to, search engine optimized (SEO) web copy, product and corporate brochures, white papers, case studies, and presentations.

Your company's goal is to generate revenues. A compelling, high-impact marketing message is crucial in today's competitive, content-driven marketplace. A great product without the right message is like a vintage wine without the bottle. Presenting your product in a way that will resonate with your target markets is a key step towards monetization and meeting your business goals.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's All About the Message

Let's say you've just spent the last 18 months developing an awesome new cleantech technology. You have packaged this technology into a new product and are ready to start earning revenues. How do you communicate the value and benefits of your new product to the market?

The key to meeting your business goals is to formulate a compelling, high-impact marketing message that will hook and engage your target market. Your company’s messaging platform needs to demonstrate that your product or service uniquely addresses the specific "pain points" of your target market.

Let's assume you've done your homework and built the right message for your product. For instance: "Inexpensive, biodegradable bottles that you can throw away without harming the environment." The next step is to take this message and create a set of marketing materials that convey this message as its dominant theme.

Perhaps easier said than done, this is the essence of what a marketing copywriter does. (BTW – an experienced marketing writer can also formulate the message itself and create an internal positioning statement to share within the company.) All of your marketing materials – from the product tagline to website content, PRs, brochures, white papers and everything in between – should be built around this message.

The key message can be highlighted in different ways to take advantage of the respective medium. Here are a few examples:

  • Website - feature a graphic banner illustrating the disposable nature of your batteries
  • Press Release - the headline of your PR would highlight the message (e.g., "Acme's Biodegradable Bottles Make it Easy and Inexpensive to Protect the Environment")
  • Trade shows – Signs, rollups and posters presenting the message in bullet forma
  • Brochure – Emphasize the message in the title and subtitles of the product brochure

Be sure to drill your message home wherever you can. It's OK to be repetitive across different media. Most potential customers are going to skim – not read – and you want to be sure to catch their eye. Remember – repetition is good when it comes to marketing – think about TV commercials. Getting the message right and communicating it in the most effective and consistent way across multiple media is the key to consistent marketing that drives results.